I've been busy with power tools lately. After justifying a circular saw purchase because I was now making stands for my puppet theatres, the jigsaw has been equally getting a workout. I love the jigsaw, but I have to be super vigilant with my clumsy fingers. So far, so good! After purchasing my circular saw I was talking to a lady who told me the most horrific story of a guy cutting the gyrock from a ceiling with the circular saw and he dropped it, wedging it in his leg. Ooh-err, guts and blood galore. She still made it onto her flight to Italy that day though-nice one! I don't think I'll be attempting anything quite as nutbag.
My latest power tool adventures include; a doll house to display my pirates and dollies and also some clocks. I've got big plans for the clocks. The house clock is going to be a fabric collage and the bell clock is going to be screenprinted.
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