I love holidays, but what I love just as much is coming home. Driving down south to the Snowy Mountains really highlighted the areas in drought. We've been going through drought in many country areas for a long time now and seeing how dry everything is really makes you want to do a rain dance. Even though the landscape was dry and brown, it is still very beautiful. I used to think it was soooo boring as it's quite desolate with very little foliage and mainly big boulders as you get further south, but it's spectacular. Unfortunately we are always in a hurry to get to the snow as our whole family drives 7 hours south and we are super competitive and we constantly message each other to see if one family is beating the other (no speeding allowed, of course) so we didn't stop for any landscape pics which I would have liked to, so all pics are taken out the dirty windscreen on the run. Now on with the crafty business... I'm participating in a gocco note swap through
cloth.paper.string have got ideas and I'll post my swap in the next week or so. I'm also participating in a
printsy swap run by the printmakers on etsy, I'm super excited about this one as it was the first swap I signed up for and should garner a few good prints for my walls. And just before I left for my holiday I won a giveaway through
The Royal Sisters a couple of local sisters making super cute dolls, which I had my eye on for a while. I won Lucie a sleeping doll and she is currently residing on Miss 5's bed. Thanks girls she is lovely!

Edit: Finally a picture of lovely Lucie from The Royal Sisters giveaway reclining on the left on Miss 5's bed. Lovely Katy from I'm a Ginger Monkey's babushka is in the middle cosying up with my top knot Lucille Ball inspired doll. Sitting next to her is a pea. Yes, you read that correctly, a big pea. This was made for Miss 5's Book Week parade this Wednesday. She is dressing up as the Princess from "The Princess and The Pea" and this pea, which she helped to make, will be slung under little princess' arm. She drew the face. I think she did a great job.
welcome back snow bunnies! i quite agree with you about the landscape, i think somersault gave me a whole new appreciation .. as for the snow, not so much. hope to see you soon. xxx.
Great to hear of your trip, it is such a great break at this time of year. We are thrilled to hear that you are happy with our sleeper, we are sure that she will be loved.
glad your back.checked out your link to the printmakers on etsy.great reading.will keep me going all night.are you doing any markets in the near future would love see your stall if i'm down that way.
Welcome home! It's good having you back. jan
Thanks guys for the welcome back. I've been madly making up wholesale orders so blog may be quiet for a few more days. As for markets, I'm going to do the Olive Tree Market (The Junction Public School) in September but apart from that I'm giving markets a bit of a rest as in Newcastle there are no decent ones.
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