Do you procrastinate? Well this is what I do when I procrastinate - design patterns. Still in progress it's called 'girlybirds'. I knocked off my own cut out mobiles and made it into a pattern. Could turn out real crap, but I'm imagining it cut up for the inclusion into some super happenin' quilts. No nanna quilts here ladies! Sorry about the bird inclusion, but it just had to be done. The old bird on a perch I couldn't avoid. I'm trying hard to get away from birds it is sooooo done to death - I know. And just quietly - I don't particularly like birds. Alfred Hitchcock pretty much did me in with 'The Birds' and then I had some filthy pigeons nesting in the roof of a house I was living in and gave the house lice. So with birds I usually associate mass attacks and lice. Yeah, not so nice now are ya birdy friends!
squawk!!!! Get it printed, get it listed, get it bought (by moi) and see it included in ginger's quilt!!!
whoo - girlies, on a swing and a lickle lickle birdy - does it get any better? (nope)
Very fun pattern - the circle motif makes me think of a Chinese symbol - and the girls are just having a great time - thanks for the look!
love it!!!!! I can see this incorporated into some of my sister's baby clothes! It would make a beautiful quilt too!
I luv it! Very cute.
That's such a pretty pattern... I like the red. Some birds are okay. I got really excited recently when I saw a Lyre Bird on a bush walk. They have these really long tail feathers... and they walk funny! Oh, and they can mimic any bird sound they want! How cool is that?
Anyway, you have a cool blog. I'm subscribing! I love discovering new crafty people... so thanks!
Haha, wow, I just went to subscribe and realised I already am, and you're already on my blogroll. Funny, because I don't remember seeing any of your entries come up on bloglines... maybe there's something wrong with it, I'll have a fiddle. I knew your designs looked familiar!
georgeous pattern... it will make lovely fabric...
So sweet, I think its lovely.
I know what you mean about the birdies, but I still cant resist them as images, and they still creep into my work sometimes!! Those sneeky creepy cute and pretty critters.
Nice, I really like the vine in between.
Thanks guys. I've got a few designs that I want to get printed at spoonflower, but can't decide. Might have to post up a few new and revised ones and let you decide.
love the new design! and just so you know, i'm not a fan of some birds either (why do pigeons exist?)
Georgeous design!
Adore this design! WOW! You are very talented. Good Luck with your business.
Elissa @ Kelani Fabric
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