So the sewer died and it is indeed a sad, sad day. I loved my Singer sewer. It was a full metal sewer with only minor bits of plastic, not like the complete horror plastic numbers on offer nowadays. I can't bear to throw it just yet so it is languishing under my bed until I decide it's fate. Could turn it into a sculpture of some sorts. Must put my crafty mind to recyling possibilities or is this going too far? I was watching some very bad craft show the other day, as you do when crafting, and some nutter even had a tattoo of her sewer on her arm. Now ladies I'm all for lovin' the sewer, but plu-lease this is just tramp stamp craftiness gone wrong. In the meantime I've welcomed a new edition to the family a Janome Sewist, sounds so posh, and is so quiet. The Singer used to rock the table and was a tad, well let's be honest, freight train noisy. Midnight sewing was definitely frowned upon when the Singer was involved.
In other news, my article in the wonderful mixtape is in this month's edition. So crafters if you want the lowdown on lino cut printing go get yourself a copy here.

sorry to hear about your singer! Keep it as could be an antique piece soon!! Glad you had a great hol, we just got back today and its so nice to be home too!
I'm sorry to hear about your Singer - it's sad to let any old faithful machine go, but I was about to recommend a Janome, so you'll be right once you've made the transition....
I got my copy of Mix Tape in the mail yesterday - I'll keep an eye out for your article....
Leah xx
Ow, I'm sad to hear that your singer died :(
I read your article in mixtape when I was on the train on sunday, and I found it really helpful! I've been wanting to try out lino printing for a while now, and I think after reading your article I might just have to!
Good luck with the new sewing machine!
You wrote in my blog that you had 5 year old boys in your class who were "rollers." That is such a funny image, but I know PRECISELY what you mean. = )
But I thought all serious crafters had singer tats?
Only kidding happy silent sewing.
You know, it never occurred to me that there was snow in Australia. Duh.
am i the only person who, when seeing the word 'sewer', immediately thinks of a conduit for carrying sewage? it's one thing to say "i am a sewer" (pronounced so - er), another thing to write it. or is it just me?
okay, it's just me.
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