25 January 2009

The heatwave has broken

The heatwave broke last night. After a 40 degree day the storm broke and revived the melting people around Australia. Apparently there is more in stall for us next week. When I was sweating it out yesterday, I couldn't stop dreaming about laying down in a snowdrift to revitalise my limp body.


mizu designs said...

There is more to come for sure. Starts again Tues for us with a wopping 39 and then continues for at least 5 days as far as I can see with the forecast :(

Kate Moore said...

I know. We had a 41C day yesterday and abandoned any idea of having a barbecue today. We don't have aircon at home - fans yes and it's usually enough. It was so uncomfortable and we had families with small children coming so we called people and said the heat is insane and we'll do it another day. As it turned out, today would have been a good day for a barbecue but we'd stuffed about too much already. Ta so much for the recipe. I am going to try that. We actually cooked up a recipe a friend gave me for dinner tonight. Was a hit with even the fussiest family member.

Snippety Gibbet said...

Really cool illustration on this entry. Me likey!

Michelle said...

wow today was so much nicer...great for a australia day event...
love the drawing...

Michelle said...

p.s loving the new look to your blog...

Mel @ Skye Rocket Sews said...

Glad for the cooler weather too!
Loving your new blog look.
Very cool!
Is there no limit to your talent,Ms Jones?

Unknown said...

Love the illustration. Try baking for a living in this heat! whaaaa.... its is cooler today though, nice breeze...

kitty stitch said...

love this drawing, you see the snow globe well thats us over here in UK!!