09 June 2011

Height Charts

My parent's have a wall at their house that charts, it seems, every person's height that has ever visited. We draw straight on the wall and there are hundreds of names, ages and heights. We love it and each year the kidlets see how fast they are outgrowing each other and whether they are taller than auntie's, uncles and neighbours at the same age. We have both towering beans and short arses in our family so there are leaps and bounds with some and a slow crawl with others. I only wish that we had a wall chart that we could have used permanent marker on and could be washed every now and again. The wall is a little on the scuzzy side. These are the new height charts I've been working on. I'm thinking about a family one as well. I'm also thinking I'll make some pegs with blackboard on them for those that don't want to write directly onto the fabric and they can chart the heights this way.


Chaos, Kids, Crochet and Cake said...

These are great! We're in a rental so haven't been able to chart heights since we left the UK.
Sandra x

Diana said...

Thanks Sandra. The next step with the charts is the printing side of things. I'm not quite done on the design yet though, so stay tuned. Di x