Book corners in action.

Market wares

Market wristlets
Surprise, surprise I did very well at the markets and there was hardly anyone there. I nearly sold out of my new book corner bookmarks. Must list them tonight in my madeit shop. Thinking about starting up a market here in Newcastle with some other crafters. There just isn't a good market around here for handmade goodness, but I now know some other crafters here and just need to get together and launch something.
The corner bookmarks are great!
I just found your blog and am adding you to my bloglines, you make great stuff :)
suzy /
It's no surprise that your local bookshop is selling those fantastic book corners. Love them!
these things look great, did you print the scarve with the trees on with your gocco? Really nice. Glad the book corners did well, great idea!
Hey Kitty stitch, Trees were printed on the gocco. They turned out a little blobby, but I still like them. Thanks for all your comments guys!
The problem with Newcastle is there isn't a huge appreciation for the arts and crafts, and Novocastrians get so used to their yearly events - Like the NRAG art market - they find it hard to take on new markets like TINA and an event my sister Curated a year ago Ladies of the Night.
The problem with markets in Newcastle is although we have great events like the Beaumont street fair, Darby street fair, Newcastle Music week and the yearly art fair the stalls cost to much, $15o for the art year, I managed to hop on with a friend one year and got a little table for free, and $150 is all I made for the day.
It's hard for un-established artists with small asking prices to get it out there.
Beaumont st and Darby st fairs are also around that price range for a stall, and as such end up with more commercial stands and just shops leeching onto the street instead.
The bargain markets like Adamstown and the Car Boot Sales are no good either, people only bring small change and hunt for bargains.
TINA is great, but last years fair was pretty quiet I think I made only $100 in sales, which is alright for a $20 table. And it's only a once a year event.
yep anonymous so right on about Newcastle. I haven't heard of TINA. What is it and when is it? I'm thinking of starting up an arts and crafts fair for the very reason that there isn't anything like that here in Newie. Bondi market and Glebe seems to be able to hold in school grounds, why can't we? If you want to collaborate this would be terrific.
when you get the wheels in motion for a market i'd love you to write about the process for our zine, it'd be a great read and inspiring
justine x
I didn't realise it was you who made those bookmarks! I saw them somewhere a wee while ago, and thought they were fantastic.....
The market stall looks gorgeous, no wonder you had a good day...
If you ever want to do a swap, let me know!
Leah xxx
Yah. Good for you. I started a market years and years ago at Singleton, in the Hunter. It was a fundraiser for the Girl Guides and we weren't pciky, but I wanted more arts and crafts. Stallholders selling other bits and bobs do seem to stalk new markets. There's an arts and crafts market at Terrigal, but yes, no really good arts, crafts, vintage, green markets north of Sydney. I'd love to hear how your plans came along. I do agree with Ms/Mr Anonymous. Maybe a one-off thing, like Hope St, would be a better idea to test the market (get it). There's a guy down here doing a market for Christmas at Terrigal. It's a one off arts and crafts market and he's put a call out just last week for high end, top quality goods. Stalls are $85, I think, so maybe get some of your crafters together and see what's on the Central Coast.
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