In the matter of a few weeks my cat has cost me big dollar, which I don't have. Jobson, my 13 year-old Tabby cat, has been fighting with the feral cat from next door. I'm sure I'm getting robbed blind at our vets, but they can pretty much charge whatever they like as I haul him in for his repeated operations. Apparently he wasn't so friendly to the vets this time and they found it hard to approach him without a bit of bitey action. In the dark recesses of my mind I was secretly pleased, at least he gave these charlotain's a hard time. And what's with all the head gear they attach to all pets these days. Jobson ripped his off as soon as he got home without any ill effects. As I collected Jobson from first surgery with said head gear, I spied a budgie in the waiting room with one on - hilarious! Don't you think they could go to a haute couture show sporting these? tres chic........ Very Vivienne Westwood..
this post made me laugh because it is so close to home for me. we've just spent almost $4000 on our cat in vet fees since the beginning of this year and she has had the helmet on 3 times! it's a long story but now we're in NY on holidays we have my parents down from Brisbane to house-sit the pressure little fur child. we've nicknamed her the 6 million dollar cat. love your cat sketch BTW.
I feel your pain. I actually have two cats and in total they have cost me a house deposit.
That illustration is hilarious! And educational. I had no idea they put those funnel things on birds.
Aaah he looks so cute. Our cat at home is about 14 and he is a funny old orange man and his legs are a bit funny. But he still gives it to the dogs and I think he enjoys it. Cats fight dirty I think!
I love the drawing.
poor kitty. Guess we're lucky, we only babysit cats every now and then, so no big expenses.
The budgie story is funny though...very Vivienne ;) and they're already making fortunes on pet accessoiries.
i had a lovebird about 10 years ago that used to pick at his own wing feathers - the vet tried to put a little cone on him to stop it but the plastic was too heavy for the poor little guy and just kept tipping him over... pathetically sad!
Love the picture. And I feel your pain too. Miss Momo leapt off our balcony just after Ali was born and repairs to her hip used up most of the baby bonus. Not sure that was quite the kind of unexpected expense Mr Costello had in mind...
Thanks guys, those anecdotes gave me a good laugh! Stay Tuned I'm having a giveaway for my blogaversary.
silly me I meant to write 'precious little fur child' above not 'pressure' :)
such a lovely linear!
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