The sewer's broke. What's a girl to do? Poor singer sewer (aged 15 years), never had a service, but still went like the clappers till last week when I thought I'd have a look at the inside of the sewer to see why the tension was all whack attack. Do I have qualifications for such mechanics?No, but I'm the type of girl who needs to get down to the nitty gritty. As I was dismantling and trying to remember the order of dismantlement - I heard the snap. The snap as it turns out was a little metal thing that aligned all the tension dials, bummer, yes indeed! So although sewer's broke it's at the best time as I'm off on holiday on Sunday to the snow. So whilst sewer is languishing in the hands of a suitably qualified person I will be languishing in the lovely snowy mountains for a week, yay! I love the snow for many reasons. I love the freedom and exhilaration of flying flat strap down a mountain trying to beat various family members to the bottom. I also love the beautiful scenery and the blissful muted sounds of snow swishing, but most of all I look forward to actually being warm. Strange you may think going to the wintry confines of snow country and being warm, but ,no, our house is an icebox. It is so cold and no matter how we crank the heat of the air conditioner, because of our lack of insulation, which is common in Australia, it's freezing, except for one heated room. In the snow, on the other hand, heating everywhere and appropriate clothing all round.
See you in a week and a bit!
poor sewer. I hope she gets fixed soon.
I am struggling with the concept of Australia and snow. It's never snowy on Home and Away and neighbours...or Prisoner Cell Block H, Sons and Daughters or the Sullivans (what other randomly awful Oz soaps can I think up?)
Apologies for my stereotypical view of Australia, and further apologies if some of those soaps are actually from NZ.
Have a great time!!!!
What a beautiful photo, Diana! :)
I was shocked to see that photo of the snow covered horse....before I read the description. I just couldn't wrap my brain around how that horse stood still long enough to accumulate such a large amount. (snicker)
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